Massage Services Singapore, Sensual Massage Service Singapore – Lollipop Massage

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Featured Services

Outcall Massage Services with the Tantra touch For Appointment please call: +65 8168 4777 or email us at Open 24 hours daily
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Full Body Massage

Literally speaking, a Full body massage is one of the most significant massages in spa world, which generally acts as a natural healer to all people and could cure your prolonged agony and perhaps bring peace to entire body via …
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Lingam Massage

Primarily speaking about Lingam Massage, this was originated in India in which the word “Lingam” is a Sanskrit word which stands for “Wand of Light” and in Tantra it stands for “Male Sexual Organ”. This is a manhood massage, which …
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Tantric Massage

Tantric Massage is an oldest and perhaps a well-known massage, which has been in practice for about thousand years since to achieve physical health as well as to bring in a harmonious relationship between couples. The moment, when the person …

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Erotic Massage

Erotic massage, as the name suggest, it is an intimate massage that brings in sexual excitement to people who live together as couples. One can find a longstanding record of various benefits that could…
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Yoni Massage

When we speak about Yoni massage, “Yoni” is a Sanskrit word which literally means a “Sacred Space or a Temple”, but when it comes to Tantra, the word “Yoni Massage” stands for “Vaginal Massage” …
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Sliding Body Massage

We work very hard but end up feeling like a mule at the day’s end. We want a few moment of bliss, we want to break free and we want to be liberated from our earthly troubles. But we do …

What our Client's Say

Enjoyment Process

So, are you a person, who wants to know what does a massage do to you and what kind of excitements can be achieved from these massages. Well you are at the right place; here is the answer for all of your queries.


More Info

Welcome to Lollipop Massage, a world where pleasure is only a booking away. Immerse yourself in our ethereal domain of sensory enchantment and permit us to lead you towards a profound state of tranquilly and revitalization that surpasses all prior experiences.

At Lollipop Massage, we ardently uphold the conviction in the profound efficacy of tactile stimulation. We immerse ourselves in the profound realms of ancient artistic expressions of tactile sensation, presenting to you a sublime assortment of sensual, erotic massages that have been refined through the ages to create a sanctuary of tranquilly and gratification.

Indulge in the profound and captivating realm of sensual, erotic massage, wherein the convergence of physical touch and emotional connection intertwine to evoke a heightened state of pleasure and intimacy.

Unleash the depths of your latent desires as you partake in the indulgence of an erotic massage, embarking upon a transformative odyssey of exploration wherein the art of touch serves as a conduit to unlock the portals leading to realms teeming with both sensual gratification and profound tranquilly. Our exceptionally proficient masseuses possess an unparalleled mastery in the realm of sensual tactile stimulation, deftly traversing the contours of your physique with a profound fluency that can only be acquired through extensive years of honing their craft.

The art of erotic massage transcends mere physical touch, evolving into a captivating choreography that harmonises with the body’s natural rhythms. This intricate dance, orchestrated by the skilled hands of our esteemed masseuses, elevates the experience beyond a simple massage, inviting a symphony of sensations to unfold. This captivating encounter is poised to induce surges of exhilarating gratification permeating your physique, engendering a profound sensory phenomenon. The art of the sensual massage is meticulously crafted to stimulate your sensory faculties, enabling you to delve into a state of profound tranquilly and gratification.

Unearth the Splendour of the Sliding Body Massage

In search of a profound and transcendent bond that surpasses the confines of conventional interactions? Indulge in the euphoric realm of sensory bliss as you partake in our exquisite sliding body massage. This particular massage technique integrates the utilisation of body-to-body contact, thereby introducing an exhilarating dimension of intimacy and stimulation to the conventional practise of massage therapy.

Under the skilled guidance of our esteemed therapists, the art of the sliding body massage transcends mere physicality, transforming into a harmonious symphony of tactile cadence. This intimate choreography seamlessly melds the application of pressure with fluid gliding motions, culminating in a state of profound euphoria that envelops your being. The essence of the sliding body massage lies in the profound exploration of sensory gratification, wherein the harmonious movement of two corporeal entities serves as a conduit to transport one’s consciousness to a realm of serene tranquilly.

The solemn commitment we make to our valued clientele

Lollipop Massage guarantees an indelible encounter, meticulously customised to cater to your distinct requirements. We take great satisfaction in providing a secure, hygienic, and refined setting wherein our esteemed clientele may unwind and fully engage in the enchanting realm of sensual and gliding corporeal therapy.

Within our sanctuary, you transcend the mere designation of a client, assuming the role of an intrepid voyager embarking upon a euphoric odyssey of profound sensory discovery. We cordially extend an invitation for you to partake in our indelible therapeutic sessions, an exquisite amalgamation of tactile sensations, accompanied by the graceful choreography of intimate physical interaction.

Therefore, what rationale exists for delaying? Immerse yourself in the realm of Lollipop Massage, wherein you shall encounter an exquisite fusion of sensual, erotic massage techniques and the art of gliding bodywork, evoking within you an insatiable desire for further indulgence. Embark upon your odyssey towards the pinnacle of tranquilly and gratification commencing at this very moment.

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